Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Secret

This is my Mother's Day present of our babies at 6 months old - I had to add another picture. 

We weren’t sure what would be the appropriate time to share our news, especially considering the important events happening this weekend for our extended family, but we just couldn’t contain it any longer. For the first time Mario was not with me when I got a positive result. He was actually on a plane to Minnesota for what I knew would be an important and busy week. So I was left to decide when I should tell him. When he called that he landed, I immediately asked about his work schedule and he confirmed the difficult week that he had. Over the next several days that we were apart I continued to question if it was right for me to keep this from him, but I figured it would be best to tell him in person. So, for several days the only people who knew my secret were the doctor’s office where I made the appt. and Isabel whom I whispered to in the middle of the night, and she seemed to understand as she stopped asking to nurse. A friend flat out asked me and I had to deny and dodge the question. It was an interesting few days, but I did enjoy the quiet time the new little one and I had to spend alone together.

When Mario arrived at the talent show he whispered between acts “Are you pregnant?” This was not at all how I planned this would go, but I couldn’t lie to him. So for the dozen or so acts before MJ’s performance we exchanged excited glances in the dimly lit gymnasium. And as I saw the excitement in his eyes, I knew it was right for me to wait to tell him in person. And then we got to tell the kids. They are SO happy and have already begun planning so many things for the new baby. Sheila said we will name her Sarah if she is a girl and MJ says John is a great boy’s name. Although when asked, MJ thinks we will have a girl because we already have a couple little girls together. Joey’s best guess is that we are having a boy. I think this baby is due around MJ and Isabel’s birthdays and I hope to get more information from my appointment on June 11th.

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