Sunday, July 8, 2007

Happy 4th of July - 4 days late

I don't have any pictures from the 4th of July this year. We hung out with the Kazas in the morning and I left my camera there. That evening, Mario took the kids so I could go see the fireworks in downtown DC. I've been wanting to do this for over a year. MJ took a late nap (until 5:30) so it was actually the perfect scenario for firework watching with the kids, but Mario was not up for the crowds, and I already had a fun evening planned with Kelly (friend from college). It was nice to be kid free again for a bit. It's amazing how less planning is involved when you're on your own. We took the metro in a little before the fireworks and had dinner at Potbelly's (yummy). Then we staked out a nice firework location just outside of the checkpoint by the Washington Monument (we figured we'd avoid the crowds a bit). We happened to be on the side that was a bit too close to the fireworks, so once they started we ran across the street and plopped our chairs down once again. Afterwards, we went to the Bottom Line to grab a drink while waiting out the metro crowd and "celebrating" Kelly's birthday. Happy Birthday Kelly!

Mario said he and the boys had a fun night. MJ saw some fireworks from our window and said "It's okay" which is his way of convincing himself that he doesn't have to worry about something which scares him. Overall, I think a fun night was had by all.

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