Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sometimes last week, I think it was Tuesday, Joey tried Oatmeal. He likes that as well. I'm thinking of trying to make my own baby food fruit and veggies. But I know the jars are easy and they work, so I can always fall back on them.

Friday night we had yummy lemon chicken for dinner. Mario LOVES lemon, and we feel this recipe does an excellent job of really saturating the chicken with lemon. MJ likes lemon too. He already loves broccoli plain, but learned he also likes it the way daddy likes it (soaked in lemon juice).
This lemon dinner reminded us of the first time MJ had lemon. It was June 9, 2005, so he was almost 5 months old. His daddy thought it would be fun for him to try this. Actually, we have a cute video of it. MJ makes a very sour face after tasting it, but then lunges at it for more. This was also the night Mario and I had a "discussion" about citrus allergies and infants. It is not good to give an infant citrus food. Clearly, MJ survived, but it probably wasn't the best idea.
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SJT said...

That's so great the MJ loves different kinds of food! I hope my little peanut will be like that too! :)

Stephanie said...

Aww. So cute. I can't wait to see you, Mario and the kiddos in less than a month!!