Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hair Dryer

Babies sure are funny about what puts them to sleep. So I was getting ready this morning and I knew Joey was a little sleepy. He likes to hang out in his bouncy chair while I shower and get ready. However, the batteries were dead today so it wouldn't vibrate. He was content to hang out for a bit, but after awhile was ready for some assistance to sleep. I thought I'd just go ahead and dry my hair first, as I recalled that sometimes when MJ was fussy he liked it if we turned the vacuum on. Well, what do ya know? Two minutes after the hair dryer was on, and Joey was out. So, when all was said and done, I had a sleeping baby and my hair looked good. Multitasking is fun!
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Monday, March 19, 2007

Consipring against Mommy?

Could these two cuties be up to something?

Since Joey arrived, we've been working on getting some normalcy back to bedtime with MJ. Fortunately, Joey was sleeping great and gave us time to focus on Mario. Lately, Mario has been doing quite well. Last night, he went to sleep great (I think he's getting used to his new position in the family and also understands bedtime in a whole new big boy way) but Joey decided he would be sad from 8:30 to 10. (Personally, I think it was his cold). My theory, they decide to take turns as to who is going to be bothersome. Since Mario travels for work during the week, the boys have me outnumbered. I was ready to test that theory tonight. MJ didn't want to sleep at naptime which can make for an iffy bedtime. But all went very smoothly. I left his room at 6:45pm, and he hasn't come out since. In fact, he's still laying in the exact same spot I left him. And Joey??? Well, so far so good...he's been sleeping too. Maybe they've decided they really do love me.
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Saints Joseph & Patrick

So, today is the feast of St. Joseph. Saturday was
St. Patrick's day. As some family pointed out, yesterday
would have been an exciting day to have Joseph Patrick
baptized as it was between those feast days. Alas, he
was baptized two weekends ago on March 11th. But lots of family
and both of his godparents were able to be there, so it all
worked out. Joey still has a little cold, but he is doing well. MJ
had a rash which is going away (I think it was just excema that
flared up a bit).
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