Friday, May 23, 2008

There's something we should tell you...

Here is our newest little one, or Little T as we are calling the baby ("T" for the "Third" not "Tricia"). Little T is due to arrive on December 8th. We are very excited about our new baby, but weren't sure how to share the news in a post. Since I can't seem to tell stories without pictures, we had to wait until we got these from today's ultrasound.

Here's a profile of Little T's face.

The whole family started the appointment together but after a LONG time of waiting, Mario and the boys took off early. Little T was not cooperating with the sonographer who needed a specific angle of the head. We waited very patiently. It seems Little T is already presenting his or her temperment. We even caught Little T clapping while we were waiting for him or her to turn the right way. You can kind of see the hands coming together in this still shot.

I think babies face on like this look kinda funny, but you can see the whole body in one shot, which won't be easy the next time we get to see Little T.

This has been a slightly different pregnancy for me, as there were several weeks there that I felt as if I might have morning sickness. Though, I could have just had a series of colds. I never felt too bad with MJ or Joey, just very tired. But a few weeks ago, I started to get some energy back and we are all doing quite well. We think Joey was jealous of Little T even before tests could show we were pregnant (he seemed to want Mommy all the time). He has recently adjusted to this new situation. MJ is excited for his new brother or sister. He's made predictions both ways, but his most recent prediction is, "Mommy is going to have a baby." He is so wise. He gets the baby is in Mommy (just like he did with Joey) and I'm so glad he could be with us for the ultrasound.

Well, that's our news!
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Catching Up

So, part of the reason I haven't been blogging much is because we've been busy (obsessed) with house-searching right now. We're really praying that we make the right decision with all of this. Joey is still having some lower-respiratory issues, and after using the nebulizer the gazillionth time, decided that he was a big enough boy to hold it for himself. This has made my life much easier. It seems his latest diagnosis was that he had a cold that went into his lungs and that congestion just wouldn't go away. The new super antibiotic he is on is working great. He also has seasonal allergies and is taking singular and zyrtek daily.

Here are two more pictures from my mom's visit. I was so spoiled for 1 1/2 weeks as my mom was with us for the first week and she was a big help. She has so much fun with the kids and of course, we had fun too. Then Mario ended a project and took Mon-Wed off for this week. Most of the time we were house-hunting, but it was nice having him around too. Things are back to normal now... except for the house-obsession.

I wanted a cute picture of the boys for Mother's Day but was having camera battery issues. Each time I took one picture, it would turn off. After 10 minutes of making the boys say cheese for various camera phones, camcorder, digital cameras, this is all we got for this one.Observtions from the past few weeks:-MJ and Joey are such good friends... the share (for the most part), wrestle, and they have their own language of grunts.-MJ can hit a ball when tossed to him (trying to get him working on multiple advanced sports skills)-Joey is trying to talk more to ask for things (mostly first consonants) -- who knew that it is normal for younger siblings to reach milestones earlier, except for talking, which usually happens later?-Joey likes to scream though! Which is one reason I spend most of mass in the foyer.-Joey is officially weaned... at least I think I can say that now. His last nursed meal was over a week ago. He did alright with the process for the most part. We kind of went cold turkey on the last two feedings. Though, the trade off was Joey felt that waking up at 5:30am was fun. I am so happy that this morning, he realized a more reasonable 7am was a good wake-up time.

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