Sunday, September 7, 2008

We moved in

Well, we are at our new home. We have not been blogging as much as I'd like lately even though we've been here 1 week already. I'd like to blame our lack of blogging on some unusual circumstances such as Verizon was unable to set up our FIOS until Wednesday, and until that same day, our house was a construction zone getting new plumbing. We also have been taking time planning which projects to tackle first in our first home. Anyway, we are slowly moving in and emptying boxes, but we love our new house. We love the yard (though Mario has begun the extensive yardwork to reclaim what has overgrown), and the driveway/pipestem/cul de sac are great for the boys to ride their bikes, which they have done plenty of. We also enjoy the incredibly short walk to chruch (and the playground that belongs to the school).

Here is one picture to explain our construction zone with the pipes. This was the last day of their work when they were patching the holes and painting them. The best part of this whole thing was that we had the sellers pay for the work...well, that and we have all new plumbing now. (FYI, the house used to have polybutelene pipes... not health hazardous, but prone to leaking and no longer being used to build homes.)

I didn't even think Joey could ride a bike, but I guess after watching his brother do it so much, he wanted to try. Our driveway is to the left of Joey, this long part in front of him is the pipe-stem to 3 other homes, and then you can see MJ in the distance going to the cul de sac.

MJ really enjoyed working outside and helping Daddy landscape.

We call this the shrub that was eating our deck... and yes, I guess it was a little pretty, but it blocked our view from the side yard.
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