Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Mario!

Our little boy is not so little anymore. Happy 5th Birthday Mario! You are and always were very cute!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our quick trip to London

I am a terrible mother who abandoned my 13 month old who I encouraged to sort of stop nursing... all 3 children on the brink of getting the chicken pox, with my mother who must be insane for taking on our mess...for 3 1/2 days. We left Saturday morning for London and I returned Tuesday morning, and everything went superbly well! The kids loved having my mom around b/c she actually pays attention to them. Sheila did give me the cold shoulder when I returned as Mario had predicted, but after a few minutes of holding her with her not looking me in the eye, she agreed to let me nurse her again and all was well.

Quick recap
Saturday: spend first 6 hours crying on and off for having left our children
Saturday night: arrived late, went out for a bit
Sunday: walked around a lot, Brittish Museum, found a CATHOLIC church - Westminster Cathedral, amazing Indian dinner
Monday: Mario worked in the morning while I walked around more: Trafalgar Sq, St. James Park, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben. Parliament, National Gallery; lunch with Mario's boss, Imperial War Museum (spent a long time there, I guess Mario likes history), ice skating outside of the Natural History Museum, then took the tube to the East side of London to see the Tower of London at night.
Tuesday: get up at 4am to catch the plane back home in time to see MJ's Christmas program which had been rescheduled due to snow before Christmas.

(It was worth it!)