Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Trip to ND vs Washington

Up until we left on Thursday evening at 8pm, we debated whether or not we should make the trip. The forecast for Saturday was cold and rainy, whereas it was going to be beautiful in Ashburn. We decided to go anyway. Friday was overcast and chilly, but not so bad. So we were able to walk around campus a lot with the kids. As the day progressed, I suspected MJ was getting a fever. After some tylenol and a good night's sleep, his "mystery fever" was gone. The rain held off most of the morning. My mom took the kids back to the hotel during the game, when it finally started to rain.

Mario and I had a great time in the game. We submitted to our usual role of crowd ralliers as we consistently cheered and yelled at appropriate times and encouraged our fellow fans to join us. The game was intense, as we suspected it would be. It was also really wet...but knowing our kids were safe inside and warm, while we had ponchos and super rain coats, we were just fine. When Washington scored that sliding touchdown at the end, we sat down and Mario said, "I don't know how we're going to win this." In my joking way I said "milagro" and then explained how it would take a miracle. Then we heard the play was under review... overturned... okay 1st and goal. We can do this. In my optimism I said, "This will be like one of those games that will go down in history....that cold wet October 3rd game vs. Washington" The fans in front of us half turned and smirked a little. The same fans who also asked me if I was a cheerleader since I seemed to know all the cheers. "Nope, just a student."

As we all know, it pays to be optimistic. What a game!!!

MJ Vision

"That is really that again."