Friday, June 13, 2008


I began putting pictures and videos that were backed up on DVDs back onto our computer today (from the big crash that happened long ago). It was fun looking back at all the memories we captured. I thought this was particularly cute. This was an interview with Mario James in March 2007 (so he was about 2 years 2 months old). I think Aunt Teresa will find this especially cute.

We can't wait to see all the Suarezes again in less than 1 month!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Momma's boys

My boys are all very affectionate. I love Joey's hugs and kisses and the cuddle time that MJ and I have almost every morning (have I shared this routine yet?) Sometime during the cold winter months, MJ and I developed this routine of eating our breakfast and then quickly running to the couch to get cozy under a blanket and watch how the sun would make rainbows in our fish tank. I'd say we still do this 50% of the time, and it is always a lot of fun.

Joey has even spread his affection to other people in our lives (besides his brother and father - whom he also adores). The girls that I baby-swap with to volunteer have become very good friends of my boys. So much that when they come in the door Monday morning, Joey rushes down the stairs to give them big hugs, it is very sweet.

Oh, and MJ said something so sweet a couple of weeks ago about my belly. We were just cuddling after dinner when he said something like "Your tummy is incredible, and the baby is very special". It was vocabulary I didn't think he knew how to use properly, but that summed up all the amazing things about the womb in one word.

So, I began to wonder why I would want to disturb the cuddling/wrestling/dirt-loving atmosphere that currently surrounds our home with a baby girl. Then, while shopping today, I passed the girls' section and thought that maybe, just maybe, it could be fun to buy something pink. Well, 6 more weeks and we'll know (if Little T cooperates).

And in unrelated news, we've been frequenting the pools in this hot weather. Joey who used to love the water, made a surprise move of being VERY clingy to me while we were at the pool on Sunday. Since Mario was there to be with MJ, it worked out fine, but it made me nervous for future pool visits. Plus, Mario was suddenly embarrassed that his younger son was so afraid of the water. Well, his wish came true. Today at the pool, I had not one, but two daredevils on my hands. And they both seem to want to go their own way. Joey really liked walking in deep water (1 1/2 to 2 feet deep) and would often walk with it up to his neck and keep going if I hadn't been there to stop him. I got him to wear arm floaties like MJ, which kind of helps, but I think little baby bodies are too bouyant in other places to make those floaties work the right way. Maybe one of those little swim vests would work for him.

My apologies for the lack of pictures. Our camera should be returning to us either by being fixed or in the form of a check for a new camera (fingers crossed) very shortly.