Sunday, March 23, 2008

A few more Easter pictures

MJ did a great job on this Easter craft.
He's either saying "Alleluia" or, eating only sugar all day is FUN!!!

And this little guy has decided that Mommy is the coolest person in the world. I don't know how this happened, but Joey needs to be near me (correction: on me, carried by me, held by me) most of the day. This is not the normal Joey growing up, and I much would have preferred to carry him around as at 15-20lb infant than the 28+lb toddler he is now. We are trying to let him know that other people in the world are indeed as amazing as myself, but he is hard to convince. One theory is he does not want to be weaned, which I was kind of thinking he was ready for a week ago. Ok, kid, I'll give you your milk...
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Sarah said...

Aww, the boys look so handsome! And I like your family picture posted below. I'm sorry that Joey was sick, that's sad!

Ryan and Kim said...

we are not weaning very well either. we are down to 3-4 times a day, mostly before and after naps and bed. not a big deal though and she will drink whole milk any other time!

you sure caught up today!